Roast Simulator

Menu: Tools » Simulator

Choose the Simulator item under Tools and choose a roast profile to enter the simulation modus. In case a profile is already loaded, that profile is used as input for the simulation. Note that the simulator is not available in the Artisan Viewer.

Simulator allows you test features such as Extra Devices, LCD settings, talking events and a wide variety of settings by using a previous roast to simulate a current roast. For example, if you use talking alarms, you may not get the syntax and other choices correct when setting up your events. With Simulator you can run a test without actually roast.

When you choose menu Tools » Simulator a dialog will open to choose a roast. Hit Start and off you go. Click the timer LCD to stop and re-start the simulation. By holding a modifier key starting, you can change the simulator speed (1x: SHIFT, 2x: ALT/OPTION, 4x: CONTROL/COMMAND).

Read more in the Artisan Blog post.
