
Menu: Config » Autosave

autosave in 2.4

The Autosave function has been greatly enhanced. You now have the option of saving the .alog file and a .pdf or other file formats to separate directories. Please read the Artisan Blog story for details. With the new features, you have a great ability to customize the name of your files using various strings which are documented in under Help in the dialog box. As you enter the strings, the dialog box returns an example of the file save name. Some examples from the strings are below.

There is a Chrome engine to render the HTML reports generated by Artisan to PDF. Now you can save those reports (menu File » Reports) directly as PDF. We also added the PDF Report option to the Autosave feature.

Autosave Examples

When designing these consider your sorting and searching options/patterns for where you store your profiles. Note that the .alog files and PDFs can be stored to separate directories now.

Home Roaster – basic batch prefix and number, along with the roast title and date:

String: ~batchprefix ~batchcounter ~title ~date

Output Example: CBB 663 Tanzania Mt. Kilimanjaro 2020-04-08 CBB is the batch prefix, 663 is the batch counter, Tanzania Mt. Kilimanjaro is the title of the roast, and the date.

Home Roaster using a blend in the roast title and wanting to identify the beans:

String: ~batchprefix ~batchcounter ~title ~beans_line ~date_long

Output Example: CBB 690 Hama O Rama Espresso Guji Zone Ethiopia - Ahuachapan El Salvador - Nyeri Kenya 4/27/2020

Production roaster interested in roaster’s name (in this case initials), machine name, drumspeed, weight, coffee name, and date. Not shown but available are volume, density and moisture:

~operator ~machine ~drumspeed ~weight ~weightunits ~title ~date_long

MDH NC-500 72 540.0 g Hama O Rama Espresso 2020-04-27

Other date format options are available, and some other fields from Roast Properties. The string choices include the following, but the list has expanded, and a some removed, so please use the Help button in the dialog box for all the choices.

autosave fields

Available autosave file formats include:

autosave choices
