• Producer: Coffee-Tech Engineering Ltd., Israel
  • Machine: FZ-94 Lab Roaster, Ghibli 15/30/45/60/90, and Ghibli Firewood, Silon ZR7
  • Connection:
    • FZ-94, Ghibli (USB), Silon (USB): MODBUS RTU via USB-2-RS485 interface; requires the installation of a serial driver
    • FZ-94 EVO, Ghibli (touch), Silon ZR7 (touch): MODBUS TCP via network connection
  • Features:
    • logging of environmental temperature (ET), bean temperature (BT), drum temperature (DT)
    • control of set value (SV), fan speed and drum speed on some machines (FZ-94, FZ-94 EVO, Ghibli/Silon touch with latest firmware)
custom event buttons (touch machines)

Netwok Setup

For machines talking MODBUS TCP via network connection: the computer running Artisan must be on the same IP network as the roasting machine. By default the CTE roasting machines use the IP address, but for the FZ-94 EVO which uses by default. Configure your computer to use a manual network setup with a static IP address in the range of the roasting machine 192.168.1.x, but with x different from that of the roaster (e.g. Choose as subnet mask.


  • some Ghibli series machines do not feature an environmental temperature sensor and report the drum temperature on the Artisan ET channel.
  • the FZ-94 setup defines 2 configurations that can be switched by pressing the COMMAND/Apple key (macOS) / CONTROL key (Windows) modifier plus a number key.
  • The drum heat limit can also be controlled via an SV slider by ticking Control in the device setup (menu Config » Device)
  • The Ghibli and Silon touch setups feature control of the burner level, fan speed and drum speed which requires the roaster to be equipped with the latest firmware.