• Producer: Berto Coffee Roaster, Indonesia
  • Machines: One and D models with Autonics TX4S PIDs and R models with touch panel
  • Connection: MODBUS RTU via USB (One/D models) or MODBUS TCP via Network (R models)
  • Features: logging of environmental temperature (ET), bean temperature (BT) and related rate-of-rise curves. On the R model the roast is started and stopped also from Artisan.

Setup One/D Models

The communication via MODBUS RTU requires to install a serial driver.

Setup R Model

The computer running Artisan must be on the same IP network as the roaster. The default IP address of the roaster is Configure your computer to use a static IP address in the range of the roaster (192.168.2.x) but with x different from that of the roaster (eg. Choose as subnet mask.

This can be done on Windows using the Network Sharing Center by adding a TCP/IPv4 Local Area Connection with those properties. On macOS you set your ethernet port in the Network Control panel to “IPv4: Manually” and fill in the IP and subnet mask accordingly.