- Producer: Besca, Turkey
- Machine: all Shop and Industrial BSC Roasters as well as the Bee sample roasters
- Connection: MODBUS TCP via the network (BSC automatic); MODBUS RTU via USB (BSC manual & Bee)
- Features:
- logging of environmental temperature (ET), bean temperature (BT) and related rate-of-rise curves
- slider control of fan speed, burner level and drum speed (only BSC automatic)
- control buttons to operate the drum, cooler, mixer, loader, destoner and afterburner (only BSC automatic)

Watch out!
for Bee machines from 2022 you need to use the Bee v2
machine setup. For older Bee machines, use the standard Bee
machine setup.
Watch out! for manual machines produced after 15.09.2019, those with the touch screen, the Artisan machine setup “Besca BSC manual v2” included in Artisan v2.1 and later should be used. For all other manual machines the “Besca BSC manual v1” (or “Besca BSC manual” in Artisan v2.0 and earlier)
Watch out! The communication via MODBUS RTU requires to install a serial driver.